Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dr. Denis Waitley, Friend of Dr. Ladd McNamara, On "The Winner's Edge"

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Dr. Denis Waitley, internationally-known keynote and motivational speaker and author of "The Psychology of Winning," "Seeds of Greatness," "Empires of the Mind," "The Winner's Edge," and "Safari to the Soul," as well as consultant to Fortune 500 Executives, Apollo Astronauts, Olympic Athletes, U.S. Armed Forces, and World Leaders, and featured in the highly acclaimed and well-received movie, "The Secret," as well as friend to Dr. Ladd McNamara, has recorded a small video found by clicking on the link below. This video provides a small bit of motivation which may easily apply to any one of us at any time in our lives.

Click on the link below to view Dr. Denis Waitley's video entitled, "The Winner's Edge"

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